The main goal of this program is to help
you reduce considerably the funds you would otherwise disburse to have a
full movie translated and subtitled.
In the best case scenario you may end up paying only 65.4 USD per movie requested (i.e., if your movie falls in a popular genre, features a popular actress, doesn’t exceed 120 min and receives enough support).
Read the following steps and contact us at [email protected] if you have any question before moving forward:
- Share with us the movie* you wish to translate through
- Wait until we download the movie and provide you with a quotation according to any qualifying pricing rate (Check the Quotation Calculator to get an idea of the cost of engaging our services).
- Make a deposit for only 50% (plus bank/wire transfer or Credit Card fee) of the quotation we will provide you.
- We’ll start a crowdfunding campaign for your movie in our next Newsletter (our Newsletter is distributed every second Friday). The donation amount for this movie will be set to 8.00 USD.
- The movie is translated and released on the date agreed upon. After release the price for this subtitle may be set to 16 USD as per interest in the title.
- After release you will cover any outstanding balance the crowdfunding campaign was not able to meet up to that point.
*We are no longer translating movies with any of these characteristics:
1. Movies released before 2017. (Movies released in 2020 and 2019 have a 30% surcharge. Movies released in 2018 and 2017 have a 35% surcharge).
2. Movies in the following genres: harem, orgy, scatology, sadism and newsroom
3. Movies over 150 min long